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The world’s smallest, lightest, and mostÂ
cost-effective tactical communications system.
Solutions for
every operator
goKit 2
Set up an off-grid communications network for your entire team at a moment’s notice.
Our mesh networking technology
integrates with leading communications
hardware and software.
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"This is allowing us to message back and forth between our team in a completely disconnected environment. We’ve never had that ability before in the field."
Read the full story in C4ISRNET
"We used to go out and search for 10 hours, and if we found a victim, the entire team would have to stop, and we'd send somebody back to call in services. Now we're able to send a message to get medical en route to that location and keep moving."
Read the full story in Crain's New York
“We think this system has a number of advantages over other systems and could make a big difference in many of the SAR missions we are involved in."
Read the full story in the Payson Roundup
In the field